Friday, October 30, 2009

A new EP on our way...

On our way to Damasco we decided that'll be an EP the follow up of "...and He told us about the Sun".
If the last chapter was about heresy, the heresy that grows, the new one will be a step into mysticism...
Father Murphy, are you heretical?
Are you ready to go for it?
Where have you got, indeed?
Maybe Mysticism is, at least so far, the only answer.
So we start from that, trying to keep on telling a Legend.
There will be three new songs, plus, as ending, a cover of "There is a war" by Leonard Cohen. The whole record is meant to work starting from that cover. We slightly changed the lyrics (telling the truth, just the final sentence), we decided to work on Csharp.
It's funny, i'm keeping on mixing tech infos with things taken from a Legend i'm supposed to tell.
Someone time ago asked us where Father Murphy's aim to.
We're living a Legend that's not ours. We got is as mission, or maybe it just happened on our path.
The ol'fisherman and I are playing with titles, even if both of us know already that in a Legend the different chapters are already written.
I don't know if it makes sense, i'm loosing my point here...
Anyhow, i write a title, and few of the lyrics.
I'll come back after few days, and if the following will still fit with our work, so i'll be right.


None would ever have thought i could cut my flesh as my own way to kneel and to pray
Me willing to kneel and to hail.
My will is to struggle for gaining the right to suffer in praying.
A struggle to gain the right to pray.

This will be the first song.
Not sure i want to tell now the title of the Ep.
I'll come back later, i promise to myself.