Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Deserts are full of Death*

Are the Deserts full of Death?
This photo was taken in Joshua Tree, few weeks ago.
C. Lee and I woke up early that morning. The night before we played in Chiara Giovando's porch with our dear Ezra Buchla, facing the desert and a fire we lit to keep the warm inside.
We woke up very early and we waited to have enough Light so to watch our steps, then we started walking toward the horizon.
We were looking for the Sun.
Indeed we could feel that Desert being full of Death.
We walked together to deal with our personal Void as a whole thing.
The Desert and the Death looked after us while we were dealing with our personal Void.
The Death around us helped us filling our personal Void.

*Not back then, but right now I'm listening to Ascend's V.O.G.